FOCAL Listen - Premium prenosne Hi-Fi slušalke

Št. artikla MPC
ESPICAS107 198,99 €

FOCAL Listen - Nove 'premium' prenosne Hi-Fi slušalke

Slušalke FOCAL Listen so zasnovali akustični inženirji v Franciji. Združujejo prednosti 'premium' in prenosnih Hi-Fi slušalk. Odlično zvočno izolacijo zagotavlja zaprta zasnova z velikimi ušesnimi blazinicami.  Akustične lastnosti slušalk se na ta način ohranjajo tudi v hrupnih okoljih. Slušalke FOCAL Listen so lahko idealen sopotnik na daljših potovanjih.

  • Lahkotne in udobne slušalke z usnjenimi blazinicami, ki so napolnjene s spominsko peno, ter z mehkim naglavnim obročem.
  • Atraktiven izgled s kromiranimi deli.
  • 40 mm zvočniška enota in ekskluzivna tehnologija membrane, ki zagotavlja izjemno nevtralnost in kakovost zvoka.
  • Zaprt tip slušalk z odlično izolacija hrupa.
  • Kompatibilnost z vsemi pametnimi telefoni.
  • Konektor z zaklepnim mehanizmom.
  • Multifunkcijski upravljalnik & mikrofon.
  • Kakovosten in zaščiten OFC kabel dolžine 1,4 m.

Slušalkam sta priložena kakovostna torbica in adapter za letalo.

Both Steve Guttenberg, who writes CNET's Audiophiliac column, and I really liked the way this headphone sounded. It offers well-balanced sound with excellent detail; potent, tight bass and clear mids. It also sounds pretty open for a closed-back headphone, so the sound doesn't get stuck inside your head.


This is a well-measured sound, one that gives good space for tracks to breathe and does well to articulate fine details. Its highs are crisp, its mids are clear, and though it very much aims to be accurate more than “fun,” its bass is bouncy and tight.



Still, if you care about good sound these are hard to beat




I thoroughly enjoyed reviewing the Focal Listens and found myself coming back to them again and again. The build quality is excellent and the finish is superb. I’d recommend them for serious music listeners with a hi-res music player or a decent smartphone. They’re incredibly capable and can turn almost any genre of music into an immersive experience.

Tehnične specifikacije:
- Impedanca: 32 Ω.
- Občutljivost: 122 dB SPL / 1 mW @ 1 kHz.
- THD: - Frekvenčni odziv: 15 Hz - 22 kHz.
- Zvočniška enota: 40 mm.
- Neto masa: 273 g.
- Dolžina kabla: 1,4 m.

Dodatni opisi in galerije so na voljo na uradni spletni strani.

Garancijska doba: 12 mesecev.